Primary care is often an overlooked step in overall health. It’s not only for individuals with chronic illness or conditions; healthy individuals, who rarely need health care or medications, benefit from establishing these essential appointments. It’s easy at American Care, with same-day appointments available, a physician on-call 24 hours a day, and hospital care coordination. We even provide transportation to and from our office, to ensure you’re able to get the care you need.
Available Monday – Saturday, 8 AM – 5 PM

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Wellness Visits
Primary care medicine can also be considered preventive medicine. Seeing a health care provider each year for a checkup establishes a medical record and documents consistencies or changes in your health. Your healthcare provider will document your family’s medical history and assess your risk for chronic conditions.
During an annual visit, your provider will check your height, weight, and vital signs, like heart rate and blood pressure. He or she will listen to your lungs and heart, check your eyes and ears. He or she will also ask you questions about your daily routine and activities.
If your daily routine or activities put you at risk for chronic conditions, your provider can offer medical advice or services for quitting unhealthy habits or changing behaviors.
The non-invasive assessments performed at your appointment can indicate overall health—your height and weight act as a guideline to current body condition and indicate whether or not your Body Mass Index (BMI) is healthy. In addition, there are normal ranges for your heart rate and blood pressure. If either measure outside normal limits, it could indicate a need for further testing. When listening to your heart and lungs, our highly trained health care professionals will listen for abnormal sounds that may require medical attention.
As part of a wellness checkup, your provider may order blood work to obtain a better overall health picture. This can be performed in the laboratories located in each of our medical centers. Blood work can reveal conditions that a healthcare professional may not find in a physical assessment, and can often be the first sign of high cholesterol or blood sugar. High cholesterol can be an early indicator of heart disease. High blood sugar can indicate a risk for diabetes, a serious yet treatable condition.